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Wayward Studios, LLC was created by a group of friends who have played role playing games together for 30 years. We founded the company in 2023 and look forward to bringing our creative ideas to the marketplace in the years to come!

Wayward Studios is a 2024 sponsor for the Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure, held at Gamehole Con (Oct 17-20). There are games run and an auction held with all proceeds going to cancer research.
Over the past four years the Crawl has raised over $16,000 for the American Cancer Society!
If you are attending Gamehole Con, please consider joininig the Crawl for the Cure!

From Out of Gnollwhere 2: Gnolledge is Power is the second of a three-part adventure arc exploring the rise of a mysterious and well-organized gnoll cult within the ancient wood of the Auld, and their quest to welcome their Dark God Ar’Traxxis into the realm thereby triggering an apocalypse. It is designed for 4-6 Level 3 characters. In Book 2, the PCs are summoned into the Auld by the Wood Warden child who’d placed a Geas upon them in Book 1; the elven guard who’d taken custody of her at the first volume’s close has been slaughtered and the child captured by a group of gnoll cultists. The Auld has been thrown into the chaos of war among the Ar’Traxxis Cult, the native wood elves, and a savage new contingent of feral elves aligned only to their own violent urges.
Now on Kickstarter!

Wayward Studio’s own Mark Manchester was live on YouTube appearing on Games with Dave! September 13, 2024 @ 8:00 PM CST.

Have you ever wondered how our local Rule Lawyer thinks? (Yes, that is capitalized on purpose – it’s an official title!) Well, wonder no more!
Wayward Studio’s own Mark Manchester appeared on Rules As Written! May 14th, 2024

We had a successful Weird Frontiers Zines campaign! Layouts are almost completed!

Our first Kickstarter was a smashing success! The PDF’s have gone out to backers and the print copies are mailing soon!

Wayward Studios and From Out of Gnollwhere were featured in our FLGS newsletter! Check out their website and sign up for their newsletter. It is a great gaming store in Racine, WI!